Friday, January 8, 2010

Non-Hippies don't like Hippie Bagels

Flore Vegan
Today my non-hippie man (although he is very indie indeed - plays in a band, has long hair, wears tight jeans - you know the drill) and I trucked down to the dirty hippie watering hole of Silverlake, Flore Vegan, and ordered sprouted wheat bagels with (soy) cream cheese, sprouts, tomatos and onion. Now, I loved mine, its a nutrional, wholesome and tasty way for me to start my day. However, my boyfriend asked me if they had any "normal" bagels and complained that the sprouted wheat bagel tasted like bread and he preferred the "normal" kind. I tried to explain to him the badness of eating lots of starch, which he rolled his eyes to and didn't seem to pay much attention. Sigh, the hippie does only what she can do!

I will say this for Flore, that is unarguable. The coffee is delicious. Its smooth, rich, great flavor, and the perfect amount of strength. They grind it fresh, obviously, and its worth the $2.50 or whatever it is they charge. Yummy!

After eating the tasty sprouted rabbit food, I went on a hike at Fryman Canyon in Studio City. If you haven't been, you should really stop on by. Its a great spot as its very quiet and full of lots of nature. Lots of trees, beautiful mini lush valleys, and usually not too crowded, or at least less busy than Runyon. Definitely a good place for the LA hippie to wander to for some lovely nature bonding or a genuine granola workout.

The day is over - good night.

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